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Fourth International Conference Improving education systems through data from international studies
Conference is finished

This conference is in line with the national agenda indicators and in light of the Minister's keenness to achieve the objectives of the index on the ranking of the United Arab Emirates in the international student assessment studies (TIMSS, PISA), which will highlight how to reform and develop the educational system by taking advantage of indicators and information provided by Data on national studies on student, teacher, school, educational resources and educational practices.​

The conference will focus on three main themes adopted by a committee of three, including the Ministry of Education and the Abu Dhabi Education Council and the Center: the gender gap in achievement and lessons learned from experiences and success stories in other countries (early childhood, literacy measurement, teacher support, Accountability, students' promotion of learning) and the pros and cons of international studies.
A group of distinguished researchers and specialists will be recruited in the previous fields to present abstracts of their research and experiences during the two days of the conference.

Objectives of the Conference
1. Mobilize efforts and unify the understanding of roles, responsibilities and expectations
Of international student assessment studies.

2. Learn about global experience and success stories related to improvement
Performance of the educational system through reliable and standardized data.



Presenter one
About the Presenter
Presenter one AR Details

Number of Visitors 2375237