Speech of His Excellency the Minister
His Excellency Hussain bin Ibrahim Al-Hammadi
Minister of Education
Chairman of Board of Directors
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Regional Center for Educational Planning, which was established under the agreement signed between the United Arab Emirates and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). This agreement aims at building the capacities of senior officials and technical staff of the Ministries of Education in the Gulf States in the areas of planning, educational management and leadership. The Center is to become an enlightening center that promotes awareness and disseminates educational culture and thought not only at the level of the Gulf States, but also at the level of the Arab countries and neighboring Asian and African countries, which are members of UNESCO, and other countries that wish to take advantage of the services provided by the Center.
The UAE's hosting of the Regional Center for Educational Planning is consistent with the policy adopted by the UAE's