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Analysis of Educational Polices

Analysis of Educational Polices

Training: Analysis of Educational Polices Duration: 5 Days 25 - 29 Aug 2013 General Objective: The training program aims to explore the challenges and problems that hinder and impede achieving the final goals of education policies and reveals the political, social and cultural issues of relevance that impact the educational systems. The training program is striving to compare and contrast between the educational practices in the region and worldwide as well as identifying the relationship between education & the social change and mobility and the mechanisms of measuring policy failure & success. Expected Educational Outcomes After the completion of this program the participants will be able to: 1. Identify the mechanisms & strategies of planning & building educational policies. 2. Define the conceptual framework for policy analysis & the processes related to policy planning & analysis as well as the social, cultural, economic & political factors involved. 3. Realize the steps involved in implementing educational policies. 4. Be acquainted with a case study in policy analysis from some world countries and make the compare & contrast processes at the local, regional & worldwide. 5. Recognize the problems & challenges that hinder the achievement of policy goals.

Content: • Concept of education policy analysis and related planning processes. • Education situation analysis and generation of education policy options and assessing these options. • Taking decision in planning and implementing the policy. • Application of policy analysis.

​Target Group: Those who are in-charge of planning and policy issues ​

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