Training: Educational Statistics and their uses in Educational Planning ( Kuwait )
Duration: 3 Days 28-30 Oct 2013
General Objective: To review the current status of Educational Statistics on National Levels. i.e. analysis, availability, reliability and utilization in decision making, Identify the need for capacity development challenges and priorities, Provision of training in the areas of gathering, analysis and utilization for educational planning and Education for Al. (EFA).
• Educational indicators adopted by UIS.
• Cohort statistical analysis.
• Statistical education, population census and household survey.
• Introduction of international standard classification of Education 97. (ISCED 97)
• Methods of dissemination of educational statistics.
• The relationship between educational planning and statisticians in MOE Sultanate of Oman.
Target Group: MOE Statistis Staff and Planners, and other Ministries in Kuwait