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Educational policies And its relation with the strategic planning

Educational policies And its relation with the strategic planning

​​​Training: Educational policies And its relation with the strategic planning Duration:5 Days 23–27 March 2014 General Objective: This training program aims at equipping participants with the concept of education policy, the challenges, problems and constraints that face the implementation of education policies and the need to establish a close link between education policies and strategic plans to come out with a successful execution of the policies. Expected Educational Outcomes: After the completion of this training program the participant will be able to: - Identify the mechanisms of policy-making, its component and requirements. - Understand and grasp the problems, challenges and constraints that face the execution of the education policy which could be outlined as follows: - Policy-making is mostly not built on reliable and valid data and information about the working status of the system and its component institutions. - Policy implementation does not provide for adequate mechanism and procedures and does not give consideration to the changing environment and the factors emerging in the labor market, the political influence, legal & financial constraints. - The competitive model and the need for strategic change. - Identify the mechanism of establishing close link between the education policy and strategic priorities. - Be acquainted with modalities and methods of executing the education policies via strategic and operational plans, as a mean by which the education policies targets & aims might be realized. Content: 1. The concept, scope, components and requirements for policy-making. 2. The challenges & problems that impede the efficiency & efficacy of the policies execution. 3. Mechanisms of close linkage of education policies with the strategic priorities. 4. Modalities and methods of implementing the policies via cost-effective, time-bound strategic.

​Target Group: Policy making &Planning MOE Staff in Gulf states ​

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