Training: Sub-Regional Workshop for the Gulf Countries to Launch the Education For All National Assessments
Duration: 3 Days 17-19 June 2013
General Objective: Presentation of the Technical & implementation guidelines prepared by UNESCO, indicators framework for EFA Assessment, Countries preparation for launching the Strategic National EFA Review determining the need for technical assistant and scheduling the Sub-regional level activities to be undertaken.
1. Countries preparation for launching the Strategic National EFA Review.
-Presentation of the implementation guidelines prepared by UNESCO.
-Round table: Countries preparation for launching the EFA National review.
2. Preparation of the EFA National reports.
-Presentation of technical guidelines prepared by UNESCO.
-Questions clarification about the technical guidelines.
-Presentation of group work outcomes and recommendations.
3. Setting up a program for implementing the National EFA Review.
-Indicators framework for EFA assessment.
-Questions clarifications about indicators.
-Country-level activities to be undertaken.
-Sub-Regional level activities to be undertaken.
-Funding opportunities.
-Needs for technical support.
Target Group: Two of the staff responsible for the National Strategy for EFA from MOES in GCC & Yemen.