Type of activity: Regional (educational policy dialogue project)
Project Name: Policies and systems for teacher assessment in the GCC countries
Organizer: Regional Center for Educational Planning
General objective: Exchange of experiences and transfer of experiences and practices in the field of evaluation of teacher performance among Member States.
Special Objectives:
• Analyzing policies and systems for assessing the performance of the teacher in the GCC countries and identifying outputs, strengths and weaknesses of each.
• Identifying the extent of the development witnessed by these systems in light of the recent global trends.
• Supporting and developing current policies needed to improve and develop the efficiency of teachers' performance
• Spreading the culture of multi-source evaluation as one of the latest global trends.
Expected educational outcomes:
1. Recommendations and proposals for improving and developing performance and performance evaluation policies for teachers in the GCC countries.
2. Policy for taking advantage of the evaluation results in developing the professional competence of the teacher.
3. Preparing the interactive workshop manual.
An interactive workshop where the dialogue and discussions of the experts, specialists and participants are focused on the performance of the teacher, highlighting the pros and cons in the teacher evaluation systems in the member countries. This will be followed by highlighting the means to develop and support the policies necessary to improve and develop the efficiency of the teachers' performance by taking advantage of the recent global trends, research and studies conducted in this regard. This interactive workshop will be managed over two days ..
-On the first day
Discuss the policies and systems of assessing the teacher's performance in the GCC countries. Each country shall put its own policy regarding this system for discussion and dialogue in terms of the advantages it enjoys, the challenges facing its application, the mechanisms of benefiting from the results of the system in raising the professional competence of the teacher, and future policies for the development of teacher assessment systems.
-On the second day
The development mechanisms will be discussed with the help of experts and specialists in this interactive workshop. Discussions will be documented in writing and electronically.
The target group is undersecretaries for the sectors responsible for teacher development, managers of human resources departments, and training departments in the GCC countries
Number of days: (2) business days
Date of implementation: 14 - 15/09/2015