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Selecting and preparing school leaders for a changing world

Selecting and preparing school leaders for a changing world
Type of activity: Policy dialogue project Category: Regional Project Name: Selecting and preparing school leaders for a changing world Domain: Knowledge dissemination Organizer: Regional Center for Educational Planning Implementing agency: Zayed University General Objective: The aim of the policy dialogue program is to select and prepare school leaders for a changing world. It aims at identifying the practices and processes that take place in the GCC countries and Yemen, and therefore requires from each country to prepare a study on the reality of selecting and preparing leaders in their countries, including pre and post service preparation, and effective programs for capacity development. This study will be sent to the Regional Center by the deadline of 1/3/2016. This will be followed by presentations about the experiences of the participating countries and conducting a dialogue on these studies for two days in the presence of a number of specialized experts, who will use this dialogue and turn it into a formula for the best methods in the field of selecting and preparing school leaders for a changing world. Specific objectives: exchange experiences, transfer experiences and gain best practices in this field. Expected educational outcomes By the end of the dialogue, participants are expected to: -Identify the elements necessary for outstanding educational leadership and the best methods of selection. -Become Familiar with the features and benefits of effective programs for the development of educational leaders before and during service. -Acquire skills and competencies through knowledge of the best global practices. Content: • Reference paper • Presentations by Member States • Workshop on convergence and divergence between paper and reference presentations • Ideal model and recommendations Target group: Leaders in ministries, in the field of human resources, training and professors from local universities Number of days: Two days Date of implementation: 29-30 / 3/2016 Venue: Regional Center for Educational Planning Moderators: Prof. Mokhtar Noureddine Othman Ala’a Abu Gharbieh ​​
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