Knowledge Dissemination:
3rd International Conference: Education for Future " From Planning to Praxis "
2 Days 06-07 Oct 2015
General Objective:
Education for Future From Planning to Praxis
-Speech Delivered by H.E. Eng. Hussain Ibrahim Al Hammadi
-UAE Minister of Education, Chairperson of RCEP Governing Board
-Speech Delivered by H.E. UNESCO Director General.
-Speech Delivered by H.E. Mahra Hilal Almutaiwei RCEP Director – Conference Directorate General.
The First Session : Future Education and Knowledge-based Development.
Moderator: Prof. Tayseer Al Noaimi
Consultant Minister of Education - UAE
1st Paper: Education in future based on knowledge, prospects, outlook & constructing.
Presenter : Mr. Paul Coustere
2nd Paper: Role of Education on knowledge economy for achieving sustainable development.
Presenter : Dr. Abdullatif Al Shamsi
- Discussion
2nd Session : Education and Innovation Development.
Moderator: Dr. Mohamed Al Muala
Deputy Chairperson for Research and Post-Graduate Studies,
Khalifa University
1st Paper: The structural and cultural contextualization necessary for the development of Creativity & Innovation.
Presenter : Dr. Mahmoud Al Massad
2nd Paper: Education & Innovation: Policies & Strategies
Presenter : Dr. Steven Vincent
- Discussion
3rd Session :Diversification of the Secondary Education Paths and its Impact on preparation of the National cadres.
Moderator:Mahra Hilal Al Mutaiwei
Director Of The Regional Centre For Educational Planning
1st Paper: The reality of diversification of Secondary Education in UAE.
Presenter : H .E. Hussain bin Ibrahim Al Hammadi
MOE Minister & RCEP Governing Board Chairperson of Conference Chairman.
- Discussion
4th Session : Education and the labour market needs & requirement.Development.
Moderator: H.E. Ali Maihid Al Swaidi
Assistant Under Secretary – Administrative Services Sector.
1st Paper: Education and competitiveness in the global labourur market.
Presenter : Dr. Khalid Hamad Al Bakir
2nd Paper: Education in future and how to keep pace with labor market changes on the national levels (Successful world models for the balance between education and labour market needs.
Presenter : Dr. Suliman Al Suliman
- Discussion
Target Group:
GCC MOEs leading staff, Director of Educational Zones, School Prinicipals, Supervisors, Teachers and all other sectors concerned with Educational field.
Video links: