Knowledge Dissemination:
Changing School Culture as a Gateway to Education Systems Development Symposium
1 Day 22/06/2011
General Objective:
Through light and focus on the significance of changing school culture to generate a pardigm shift in the school performance inorder to achieve school system quality and reform.
Content Ist Axis:
- The need for effective school leader & attributes of effective leader.
- The challenges that face the current era e.g. World competitiveness,
- Globalization, Innovation in the work place, skills and competencies for school leader.
IInd Axis:
- Building school culture mechanism, that lead to high world class Education
• Giving due importance to the dissemination of school culture, distribution of school leadership matters (Share Leading) concepts, and redefining the leadership responsibilities as an appropriate approach to improve student academic achievement.
• Understanding the need of continued development of the leaders skills for effective leadership through specific training to respond to broadened roles and make leadership an attractive profession. Likewise, empower school leaders to be able enough to analyze the school context and focus on the development of the subordinate school staff. The school leaders are entrusted to connect the school functionally with its community, being the basic source of school culture. The school culture being derived from the community local and national heritage, traditions, values literature and the school political leaders vision.
Target Group:
Executive and supervisory leaders in MOE and Educational Zonal Staff