Knowledge Dissemination:
Development of Educational Policies and Plans in the Light of the Analysis of the National Exam Results
1 Day 22 Apr 2015
General Objective:
• Building a perspective about the mechanisms of benefiting from the analysis of the national examination at the MOE, Schools and teacher level.
• Establishing some options to assist in planning the development of the school performance in the light of analyzing the national exam results.
Utilization of the exam results analysis into educational policies and plans.
Prof Tayser Mnaizzel AlNoaimi
Advisor to Minister
Axis 2:
The impact of the exam results analysis on improving the school learning process.
Shaika Lulwa Khalifa Al Khalifa
Axis 3:
Teacher professional development and the exam results analysis.
Prof. Ernest Spencer
Honorary Senior Research Follow
University of Glasgow
Target Group:
Head Section Educational Zones School Principals, Educational Supervisors.
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