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Education Happiness & wellbeing

Education Happiness & wellbeing

​​​Knowledge Dissemination: Education Happiness & wellbeing Duration: 1 Day 06 October 2016 General Objective: The Symposium aims at equipping the participants with the factors that affect educational happiness and wellbeing and the dimensions that enhance education happiness and wellbeing as well as the role of teachers and schools in achieving happiness and providing the supporting learning environment. Expected Educational Outcomes Acquaintance with: • The concept of education happiness & wellbeing. • The factors that affect education happiness & wellbeing. • The role of teacher & school in enhancing happiness and provision of the supporting learning environment. Content: Axis (I): 1. Thematic paper delivered by H.E. Hussain Ibrahim Al Hammadi MOE Minister on the role of UAE School on achieving education happiness & wellbeing. 2. Thematic paper on the National program for achieving happiness in UAE by H.E. Lhood Al Roomi – Happiness State Minister. 3. H.E. Tariq Al Qaraq – Executive Director of Dubai Cares on the role pf UAE in providing education happiness world wide Axis (II): • Experience of UNESCO Office- Bangkok. • Experience of Singapore. Target Group: Acquaintance with: • The concept of education happiness & wellbeing. • The factors that affect education happiness & wellbeing. • The role of teacher & school in enhancing happiness and provision of the supporting learning environment. ​

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