Knowledge Dissemination:
The Best Practices in Improving Teacher Quality
1 day, 20 Sept,2012
General Objective:
To counteract and solve the problems that face the teacher and presentation of the best practices and modalities.
Session 1:
The importance of the teacher quality as a key determinant of student experiences and outcome of schooling.
Prof. Ian R Haslam Teacher College Dean, Bahrain
• What is meant by teacher quality.
• How we can improve teacher quality.
• The impact of teacher quality on student academic achievements.
Session 2:
Building a high-quality teaching profession.
Dr. Hissa M. Sadiq College of Education Dean, Qatar
• Underline the importance of developing positive role for teachers in educational change via changing their practices and improving their performance to act as a central part of solution, if given the tools and responsibilities to lead change.
Target Group:
MOE Senior Staff, School Leaders, Supervisors and Teachers.
Video links: