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Education Reform: From the System to the School

Education Reform: From the System to the School


Education Reform: From the System to the School

Date: September 23, 2020

Time: 12:00-15:00 (Gulf Standard Time, GMT +4)

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Countries around the world regularly launch education reforms. These reforms are often designed to strengthen educational systems and ultimately improve student learning. They are also often aimed at preparing students for unknown futures, including related to environmental and social changes, new technologies, economic shifts, and jobs that are not yet in existence. Due to the demand for reforms and their widespread impact, education change is a common topic for educational debates and research. While half a century ago the issue of what to change overshadowed the processes of how to implement reform in practice, the field has since expanded to also seek to better understand the implicit and unintended processes of change as well as the significance of the individuals involved.

This seminar will explore global drivers and best practices in education reform. It will also examine the role of both school leaders and principals during periods of change. The five conference subthemes are as follows:

1. Global drivers of reform

2. International studies and education change

3. Best practices in education reform

​​​4. The role of school leaders in reform

5. Engaging teachers in the reform process

This seminar seeks to identify and explore practices, policies and processes related to reforms. Consequently, by the end of the seminar, participants are expected to:

1. Form a common understanding about education reform (from policies to implementation) at the policymaker and the practitioner level

2. Share knowledge and experiences related to the field of education reform, and better understand the role of drivers of reform, international assessments, school leaders, and teachers in the education change process  

3. Better understand the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and SDG 4, particularly the role education reform can play

Note: The seminar will be held in English and Arabic subtitles will be available.​


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